All tagged church

I am a Presbyterian minister serving St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Fergus a small town in Ontario, Canada, and that fact impacts how I view the intersection between religious faith and work. The Presbyterian Church in Canada defines my status as being a professional church worker. Woven through the essay will be engagement with the Judeo-Christian assertion that human beings are called to love the Lord their God with their entire being. The proposed essay will explore how the professionalization of clergy impacts the work-life of clergy including shaping their religious lives outside of work. Professionalization invites a splitting of work from the personal creating two spheres of life, this contrasts with the all-encompassing claims that the religious makes on life.

Religion and ‘Radiation Culture’: Spirituality in a Post-Chernobyl World

How can atomic power be interpreted through the lens of spirituality and mythology as a cultural response? The author shows us by focusing on the Chernobyl explosion in 1986. She proposes the innovative idea of a ‘radiation culture' where nuclear radiation has evolved from a purely scientific concept, first observed in the controlled environment of the lab, to a culture with its vivid beliefs and folklore.

Aura and Inversion in a Marian Pilgrimage: Fatima and her Statues

The author analyses Marian devotion as an ‘economy of the sacred’, mediated by the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. Through data gathered in churches in the U.S., Morgan shows how a divine economy relies on material devices and embodied practices to satisfy a specific Christian theology, helps devotees render penance and devotion to the Virgin, and ensures her grace in return.